If I fill out an application, how soon will I hear back?

The Justice Center receives an extremely high volume of applications. During our busiest season, it may take several weeks to hear back on your application. If you have a court date within six weeks of submitting your application, we will not be able to consider placement before your upcoming court date., although we may be able to consider it for later court dates. We always encourage applicants to continue pursuing all avenues for legal aid within our community, as we cannot guarantee assistance.

How do I get placed with an attorney?

The Justice Center does not have attorneys on staff, and relies on attorneys from the community to take cases for free or for a reduced cost. After you have applied and completed all corresponding questions from a Justice Center staff member, and if an attorney is available to take your case, The Justice Center will notify you via email or phone.

What if I live out of state?

Unfortunately The Justice Center is not able to consider cases for placement if you are residing outside the state of Colorado, even if your jurisdiction is in El Paso or Teller County.

How is The Justice Center funded?

The Justice Center is solely funded by grants and fundraising efforts. We do not make a profit from any of our services.

How do I find the court forms I need?

All forms are available on the Court website - found here. You can print these off at home or at a public library near you.

If you need assistance finding the right form, try stopping by the Self Help Center (Room S101) at the El Paso County Combined Courts, located at 270 S. Tejon Street in Colorado Springs.

What types of cases do you take?

We take cases involving family law, landlord/tenant issues, uncontested probate, bankruptcy, guardianship, etc. Criminal cases are only considered for our reduced cost program. We do not take contested probate, medical malpractice, or personal injury cases. Post-decree cases are only considered when the applicant fits one of our priority audiences. We do not take cases if final orders occur within six weeks of application.

Can I apply more than once?

You may apply more than once, but if you are applying for the same issue and were rejected the first time, it is likely your application will be rejected again for reasons given the first time. If you have received representation for an issue through The Justice Center and apply for representation for the same issue later, we cannot consider placing you a second time, due to the high demand for assistance.