Expert Volunteers
Make a Difference
Whether you’ve been serving a long time, or are just looking to dip your toes in the waters, we hope you will find these resources helpful. Our work is not possible without our volunteer attorneys. Your efforts are opening doors for some of the most vulnerable to access justice in our community.
Thank you!
Low Cost Counseling
We know that legal battles are just one piece of the pie. If you are working with a client struggling with mental health or trauma, check out these resources.
Whether you’re just starting off in your practice - or if you feel you have something to offer those just beginning - join the CAMP mentoring program!
Training 101
What does it look like to volunteer, pro bono? How do I serve at a clinic? What all does taking a case involve? Find out more on our training page.
Making Referrals
Clients are often working through complex issues - not all of which are legal! Find other service providers for additional help in our community.
Court Forms | Self Help
A quick link to all of the forms you need, along with court instructions and flowcharts for frequently asked questions!
Recognition Program
Did you know that Colorado has a statewide recognition for attorneys who reach a goal of 50 volunteer hours? Find out how to sign up.
Co-Parenting App
OurFamilyWizard offers to waive fees for income-eligible families, like our clients. Sign up for your family law clients to get free access to this tool.
Forensic Accounting
If you are taking a Justice Center case, we have forensic accountants who are willing to provide their expertise, pro bono, for complex calculations or analysis.
CLE Credit
Did you know that pro bono hours can count towards CLE credit? Just complete a simple form to request credit for your hours with The Justice Center!