Training 101
Who is The Justice Center?
The Justice Center is a registered 501(3)(c) nonprofit organization that works to provide increased access to legal services for underserved populations in the Pikes Peak region. Our services include monthly free legal clinics, community-wide legal events, and placement with Pro Bono (free) and Modest Means (reduced cost) representation for qualified cases.
Volunteer Expectations
While our volunteers offer assistance in several different fields and areas, our expectations and guidelines remain the same throughout the organization. Regardless of the capacity in which the volunteer is offering his/her services in, we expect him/her to represent The Justice Center with the following principles:PromptnessIntegrityRespectPerseverancePatienceOnce a volunteer is accepted into our organization, he/she will receive a welcome letter with further details.
Clinics 101
Participants are paired one-on-one with an attorney who specializes in the field of their legal issue. Attorneys who volunteer at a clinic are offering brief legal advice, deciphering legal jargon and court forms for attendees, or guiding someone to the next step in their legal situation. Paralegals who volunteer at a clinic are often providing assistance with paperwork, facilitation, or working alongside an attorney.
Representation 101
Since The Justice Center serves the entire Pikes Peak region, our cases take all different shapes and sizes. We prioritize placement for cases when the client represents a particularly underserved or vulnerable population, including:Victims of domestic violenceSenior citizensImmigrants and refugees Persons with disabilitiesVeterans Persons with landlord/tenant issuesIf an attorney represents a client on a Pro Bono basis, no attorney fees are collected for representation. The attorney is covered under The Justice Center’s malpractice insurance. All court fees and filing fees are to be directed to the client. If an attorney represents a client on a Modest Means basis, reduced fees are collected by the attorney. These fees include: A $40 initial consultation, billing at $125 per hour and an initial retainer of $1,250 to cover the first ten hours of work, if applicable. Once an attorney completes our Client Representation Form and accepts a case, he/she will receive a welcome letter with further details.